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Nature Connection Therapy

Just 7,500 steps a day, and 2 hours a week spent in nature have been scientifically shown to improve physical and mental health...





The Nature Connection Handbook



“Employee Health and Wellbeing”, CIPD


“Five Ways to Wellness;” Mind


“The Natural Remedy” Emma Mitchell


“How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health” Yale School of the Environment, January 2020


“Thriving in Nature” A Guide by The Mental Health Foundation, 2021


“How Does Nature Impact Wellbeing” University of Minnesota


“Nature and Mental Health”, Mind


“Nature Gave Us Four Types of Happiness”, Loretta G. Breuning (PhD)


"What Happens to Your Body When You start Walking 10,000 Steps a Day”, Readers Digest December 2021


“Health Impacts of Yoga and Pranayama:A State of the Art Review”,  International Journal of Preventative Medicine, July 2021


Bird sounds and their contributions to perceived attention restoration and stress recovery

Journal of Environmental Psychology

Volume 36, December 2013, Pages 221-228


There is a growing science that shows that the four hormones which promote wellbeing - endorphin, serotonin, dopamine and  oxytocin are boosted during sensory immersion in Nature. Walking 7,500 steps a day is also linked to a longer, healthier life as physical activity releases endorphins. That's why when you're active on a Wildlife Walk you buzz with extra positive energy from nature's medicine cabinet.


Seeing natural fractals in clouds, water and plants, listening to the wind rustle leaves (psythorism), and birds sing releases serotonin. There are also passive, secret exchanges happening as we breathe in volatile, antimicrobial substances called phytoncides from living plants, and interact with micro- organisms in leaf litter (Mycobacterium fascii).


The reward hormone Dopamine is released when you learn a new skill, or reinforce learning, so its released when you identify a bird, or remember its song. Developing field skills like these is amazing for your brain health! Building new skills, and physical routes creates new neural pathways which help keep conditions like Altzeimers at bay. So engagement in nature can actually future proof your holistic health, something long recognised by the preventive Japanese healthcare therapy Shinrin Yoku,  meaning  "forest bathing".


You will need some field and mindfulness skills to immerse fully and get the most benefit. So having someone knowledgable unlock the treasures of nature with the gift of story, expertise in bird ecology, and experience teaching field and mindfulness techniques (like pranayama, and meditation) should give you the foundation you need to develop your own practice. It deepens and grows with time, and what's better, when you share the experience with others you stimulate a forth hormone, oxytocin!


You can even get some of the same positive hormonal effects through seeing and sharing images of nature online. Sarah created Facebook Group, Corona Flower Show to help people during the pandemic by doing just this. Its open to anyone, so please join!


Find out more about your guide's background here.


Photos by Sarah Brocklehurst

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